April 12-13, BASNET Forumas hosted guests from Krakow Jogaila University Dr. Paulina Sekula and Dr. Justyna Struzik. They presented studies made in the frame of Horizon 2020 project GENERA at the joint seminar for physicists of National Center of Physical Sciences and Thechnology (NFTMC) and Vilnius University Faculty of Physics (VU FF). Opening their presentation entitled “Does Physics Have Sex” BASNET Forum President Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dalia Šatkovskienė noted that, despite the fact that the GENERA project aims to implement gender equality plans in academic institutions, it is unique. It is because the project is addressing gender equality in physics, the scientific field with well expressed „masculine“ type of working culture. Therefore, the obtained results is essential not only for project promoters, but also for the development of European science policy. The study was conducted in 11 research institutes GENERA project partner providing research in physics. Over 80 physicists of both genders and different ages participated in it. The scientific career paths of researchers and their dependence on gender, the age of scientists and other factors such as scientific working conditions, mobility, migration, internationalization of physics, etc. was studied. Based on the results of the research, the obstacles to the successful career of women in physics were discussed.
During their visit Polish scientists had meetings with students and scientists of Vilnius University Faculty of Faculty of Philosophy, visited VU Center for Gender Equality at and European Institute for Gender Equality.