18-19 March 2019 BASNET Forumas initiated and together with Vilnius University, Kaunas University of Technology and Lithuanian Biochemical Society organized in the Lithuanian Seimas (Parliament) an international conference organized. The conference was patronized by Aušrinė Armonaitė, Member of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. The conference was dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the regional Baltic States Association BASNET Forumas. It took stock of efforts to achieve gender equality in science in the Baltic region and reviewed progress made and discussed the challenges posed to the scientific community by the rapid development of science and new technologies. During the Conference a contemporary approach to the importance of NGOs in the design and implementation of EU science policy on gender equality was discussed. Because of their strong links with BASNET Forumas, the EU DG Research Gender Sector representative, the GENERA project coordinator (DESY, Germany), and the President of the European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS were invited as speakers: BASNET Forumas was created in 2009 at the end of the BASNET FP6 EU project and is a full member of EPWS, represented in its Board of Administration by President Dr. Dalia Satkovskiene. The conference was opened by welcome speeches from representatives of high-level political structures (Lithuanian and European Parliament, Baltic Assembly, Lithuanian President, Minister of Education, Science and Sport) and Vice Rectors for research of the Vilnius University and Kaunas University of Technology. The conference was also attended by the representatives of Baltic Ministries of Education and Science and the Scientific Councils working closely with the BASNET Forumas. Their Excellences  Ambassadors of France, Norway and Latvia as well scientists representing Horizon2020 programme projects implementing gender equality plans (GEPs) in research organizations took part in the event. Speakers from different countries have made suggestions on how the process of implementing gender equality in science should be encouraged. The conference Resolution, adopted by consensus of the participants, was circulated to the Baltic States region Research performing and financing organizations and to the European Commissioner for Research and Innovation.

More about the conference you can find here.